Susan Vittner



“Silver Lining”


“Into the Mystery”


“Cosmic Garden” (SOLD)

“Purple Horizon”

“Purple Haze”



“Drawing In”



“Time to Retreat”


Sue Vittner has been making art most of her life. She studied drawing and oil painting in college, and then moved on to learning watercolors. She is also a massage therapist, and most recently has begun combining massage and painting…as she is now painting with her hands.

She is fortunate to live in Maine, where every day she is inspired by nature – the ocean, sky, clouds and sunsets which deeply influence her paintings.

A lover of life and adventure, Sue has designed her life in a creative, unique fashion. It is a balance of travel and exploration, inside and out. She has lived and worked in Antarctica, traveled to India, Bali, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Europe, and extensively throughout the states.

Painting, photography, massage, yoga, meditating, journaling, singing in the car on road trips, being in nature, and philosophizing are some of her favorite things to do.