Trompe L’oeil

Artist Susan Wilder Long Blue Trompe L'oeil

Long Blue (SOLD)

Artist Susan Wilder the Yellow BoatTrompe L'oeil

The Yellow Boat

Artist Susan Wilder Trompe L'oeil 18

Lobster Boat III(SOLD)

Lobster Boat I

Lobster Boat I (SOLD)

Lobster Boat II

Lobster Boat II (SOLD)

Artist Susan Wilder Tender Trompe L'oeil

Tender (SOLD)


Whaler (SOLD)

Scallop Boat

Scallop Boat

Pea Pod

Pea Pod



Flat Bottom Skiff

Flat Bottom Skiff (SOLD)

Dock Tender

Dock Tender

Artist Susan Wilder trompe l'oeill Lobster Boat

Night Fishing (SOLD)

View work information onĀ artist Susan Wilder HERE.



Trompe l’oeil literally translates from French to mean “fools the eye.” Hard to paint, the trompe l’oeil piece requires meticulous attention to detail on the part of the artist. Proper sizing and every detail, nuance of light and gradation of color must be skillfully incorporated in order to make the two-dimensional work appear to be three-dimensional.